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Cookies aux pépites de chocolat et sarrasin de D. Lebovitz

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Cookies aux pépites de chocolat et sarrasin de D. Lebovitz Empty Cookies aux pépites de chocolat et sarrasin de D. Lebovitz

Message par Will Dim 21 Jan - 21:06

20-22 cookies

90g de sucre blond (cassonade ou mieux, vergeoise blonde ou muscovado) 1/2 cup
65g sucre en poudre 1/3 cup
8 càs (4 oz, 115g) beurre salé ou doux, fondu et laisser à température ambiante
1 gros oeuf à température ambiante
+ 1 gros jaune d'oeul
1 1/2 càc d'extrait de vanille
1 cup (140g) farine tous usages
1/4 cup (35g) farine de sarrasin (ou 65g pour 110g de farine blanche, selon préférence)
1/2 càc de levure chimique
1/2 càc de bicarbonate de soude
1/2 càc de sel ou sel de mer
1 1/2 cups (230g) chocolat amer ou au moins 60%, grossièrement haché
3 càs de kasha (graines de sarrasin grillées) ou grué de cacao (facultatif)
3/4 cup (75g) noix, amandes, ou pécans, toastées et hachées grossièrement
Fleur de sel ou autre sel type Maldon

1. In a large bowl, mix together the brown sugar, granulated sugar, and melted butter. Add the egg, egg yolk, and vanilla.
2. In a separate bowl, whisk together the all-purpose flour, buckwheat flour, baking powder, baking soda, and kosher or sea salt. Stir the dry ingredients into the butter-sugar mixture.
3. Mix in the chopped chocolate (including any small bits of chocolate left on the cutting board), toasted buckwheat groats or cocoa nibs, if using, and nuts. Cover the bowl and chill overnight.
4. Preheat the oven to 350ºF (180ºC). Line two baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mats. Use a spring-loaded cookie/ice cream scoop, or your hands, to form 1 1/2-inch (4cm) balls of dough and place them evenly spaced (about 2 1/2-inchs/6cm) apart on the baking sheet. Slightly flatten the tops and sprinkle lightly with flaky sea salt.
5. Bake the cookies until they just feel almost, but not quite, set in the center, and still soft, about 12 minutes, rotating the baking sheets in the oven midway through baking. Remove the cookies from the oven and tap the top of each cookie lightly with a spatula, just once, to compact them slightly. Let cool.

Storage: The cookies can be stored in an airtight container for up to 4 days. The dough can be frozen for up to two months.


Messages : 92
Date d'inscription : 12/04/2013

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